Program Manager at Humane talks Leadership Brand

Jacqueline Frechette is a leader with over a decade of experience building and leading high-performing, hardware-focused program management teams. Before joining Humane, Jackie spent 13 years at Apple, where she directly contributed to developing and successfully launching nearly 20 iPhone models.

Pathway to Leadership

You have over a decade of experience building and leading high performing program management teams. What advice do you have for women looking to break into program management?

Explore a variety of PM roles and opportunities to better understand the difference in scope and specifics that will align to what interests or best suits you. Highlight the skills that you have that are translatable, even if drawing from experience gained outside of the specific PM discipline. Don’t shy away from also exploring support roles that will give you foundational experience that will set you up to transition into a PM role.

Can you describe a few key moments/choices in your career that led you to a leadership role at Humane?

I made the decision to go from being majority product-focused to being people-focused. This transition was a pivotal career choice and major contributor to my growth as a leader. I went from an individual contributor mindset, to one that was more focused on the personal and professional development of my team. This gave me a totally new perspective, made me more empathetic, self aware, and provided focus for the areas I needed to improve to make me a stronger leader.

I made the decision to go from being majority product-focused to being people-focused. This transition was a pivotal career choice... I went from an individual contributor mindset, to one that was more focused on the personal and professional development of my team.
— Jacqueline on shifting her leadership mindset

What do you think is a key ingredient to being a successful leader?

It always comes back to direct, honest, and transparent communication for me. The best leaders that I have known have been great communicators. They don’t shy away from having the tough conversations, in fact, they address them head-on.


Building Your Leadership Brand + Executive Presence

What do you consider to be a key in developing one’s personal brand? Have you faced any challenges in developing and implementing your leadership brand and style, especially if it was different from the existing style of leadership?

Developing one’s personal brand has to be done honestly and authentically. Being real is so important to me. If you can’t back up what you are pitching with action, you are never going to be successful. Your brand has to come back to not only your core values but also ensuring that those core values are true to how you show up. I haven’t necessarily faced challenges in developing and implementing my leadership brand and style; however, I will say that there certainly were times where if I hadn’t stuck to my core values, I may have moved farther up the corporate ladder, faster. Meaning, putting politics and career advancement above what was best for my team didn’t jibe with my core values. I didn’t play that game then and I still don’t.

How has developing your executive presence helped you move up in your career?

Developing my executive presence has enabled me to gain influence and broaden my scope so that I have a greater impact across the business. Throughout my career, this has not only benefited me, but also empowered my teams to operate at a higher level where they can have greater impact in driving decision making across multiple organizations in the business. Ultimately, this leads to new opportunities for advancement for my team and myself.

I always love a wild card. I, myself, was considered a wild card. I didn’t fit the mold, I didn’t have the “right” education or background.
— Jacqueline on building diverse and inclusive teams

How do you prepare and build your confidence when leading a meeting or presentation? Any strategies or tips?

Know your topic and take every opportunity to polish your presentation and public speaking skills. The more that you practice, the more comfortable and confident you will be, especially when presenting or communicating difficult topics or messaging. And don’t shy away from seeking out feedback to continue to improve your skills.


Diversity, Equity, Inclusion

You are passionate about building diverse teams focused on high-quality product development. What advice do you have for companies to build more diverse and inclusive teams?

Don’t get hung up on hiring to a mold or draw too much from what has already been proven to be successful. Be open to exploring a wide range of experience and background; this will create a more unique, diverse and inclusive team. I always love a wild card. I, myself, was considered a wild card. I didn’t fit the mold, I didn’t have the “right” education or background.

Is there anything else you’d like to share with ModelExpand readers?

Know your worth! It took me a long time to realize my value. I doubted myself because I didn’t take the traditional path, or fit the traditional mold. This is why mentorship is so important to me. I want women to know that they can do this! Let’s continue to uplift and empower each other and actively work towards creating a more equitable and inclusive industry.

Jacqueline will be sharing more about her experience at ModelExpand’s upcoming Women In Leadership Breakfast: How to Build Your Leadership Brand + Executive Presence. The ModelExpand Women In Leadership Breakfast Series provides a space for women to connect, inspire and uplift one another. Check out our upcoming events here or learn more about our sponsorship opportunities.

ModelExpand: ModelExpand is an inclusive recruiting strategy firm that helps companies build diverse and inclusive workplaces through strategic consulting, workshops, and events.

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