Min Kim, Senior Business Development Lead at TRON, Shares Career Journey

Min is a Senior Business Development Lead at TRON. Before TRON, she was in marketing and partnenrship positions at HBUS, Draper University, and Percolata. Her interest in blockchain began at Draper where she helped develop new blockchain related initiatives.

In this profile, she shares her journey into the growing crypto industry and how her position as a business development lead connects the technical to commercial.

What is your favorite part about working in fintech?

I enjoy the fact that we are increasing efficiency by decreasing transaction costs compared to Ethereum for peer to peer transactions at TRON.

What is your typical work day like?

I usually read the news and reach out to promising companies to partner with and then participate in calls with current partners and also attend cross functional meetings with marketing.

What is important for you in a company culture? 

I really appreciate the merit driven culture that TRON promotes that does not look at how old you are or how much experience you have to determine your ability to contribute.

With your background, what made you interested in TRON and blockchain? How much did you know about blockchain prior to working at TRON?

I have worked in a sales role at an enterprise IoT retail startup and also in partnerships for a startup school. TRON attracted me because of its underdog mentality and unique ambition to prove people wrong. I knew a bit about blockchain because I worked at Huobi US in marketing previously.

How much do you need to know about blockchain before entering the industry?

You just need a willingness to stay on top of current events and a willingness to go to meetups and establish a network.

What part of your work consists of blockchain work? Please describe. 

When we evangelize to developers to build on TRON we share our developer documentation and smart contract examples that are written in solidity. These are ways developers can get up to speed on the TRON blockchain .

What is one of your favorite resources for business development?

I really enjoy the ability to use email scraping tools such as ContactOut to cold email any potential prospects.

What projects are you and your team currently working on?

We are working on a partnership with Samsung currently to promote TRON’s support on their KeyStore hard wallet implementation on Galaxy phones. 

What is the best career/personal advice you’ve ever received?

Focus on your strength and choose a role that will make your weaknesses irrelevant. I am definitely a big picture thinker and like to execute fast. This is a plus in a startup environment. 

What’s your favorite book and food?

  • Book: Crossing the Chasm

  • Food: ramen

Where do you see yourself in 10 years? What do you wake up looking forward to?

I see myself having helped other women reach their potential and helped them maximize their salary through negotiation tactics. I wake up looking forward to meeting with college students or interns who I can work with and mentor.

Min will be sharing more about her experience at ModelExpand’s panel: Women in Blockchain. Check out our upcoming events here or learn more about our sponsorship opportunities.

ModelExpand: ModelExpand is a diversity and inclusion advisory firm that helps companies attract and retain diverse talent through strategic consulting, workshops and events.

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