In-the-Moment Learning with AI Integration

The Client Need

A $500 million dollar software company in the energy sector sought effective tools for upskilling managers in giving high-quality feedback to direct reports, an ever-complex task in today’s increasingly multicultural, multigenerational, and geographically dispersed teams.

Pre-engagement data collected from a sample of nearly 60 people managers at the organization found that 50% of leaders were concerned that providing feedback to their direct reports would demotivate their team members.

Given that talent lacking high-quality feedback is nearly twice as likely to look for other roles, the company sought innovative educational pathways that would improve managers’ abilities to develop and retain employees through compelling feedback while also enhancing their confidence with the practice.

The length of the workshop felt just right. We weren't rushing to cram in a lot of information and the cadence was easy to follow along. The worksheet also has the pertinent takeaways allowing us to focus on the speaker and presentation rather than with taking notes.”

The Solution

The company engaged ModelExpand for a 10-session learning lab series for People Managers that melded cutting-edge research with best practices for developing objective feedback through the integration of AI, all to drive employee engagement and retention.

ModelExpand facilitated an hour-long workshop that empowered leaders that  drove greater understanding of the importance of how the quality of feedback that employees receive impacts their decisions to stay with their current employer or to look elsewhere. They then were given an interactive Activity Worksheet to capture learning lab insights and had an opportunity to define high-quality feedback and review a guide for high-quality feedback that ModelExpand prepared with three actionable tips including incorporating the SBI model, checking for common biases, and intentionally leveraging AI. Participants then had an opportunity to apply the guide in real-time during a small group exercise and rich whole group, peer-based discussion based on a highly customized scenario involving a people leader preparing to give constructive feedback to their globally distributed direct report.


By the second half of 2024, approximately 200 people leaders at the company had completed the learning lab, with the vast majority reporting both increased confidence and skills in generating and delivering high-quality feedback to their direct reports as a result of the workshop.

Of the workshop participants1 who completed a survey following the lab, approximately 80% increased their confidence, 83% would recommend the learning lab to others, 86% reported increasing their skills in developing high-quality feedback, and 80% specifically noted that they had enhanced their ability to leverage AI effectively as a people leader preparing feedback for direct reports.

Comments from participants after the learning lab indicated modern leaders’ enhanced preparedness to leverage AI technology and additional high-quality feedback guide elements to effectively manage diverse, global teams.

 1 As of 0/606/24, 29 participants completed the survey, representing 14.5% of all series participants.

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