Disha Ajmani, Senior Software Engineer, Encourages More Diversity in the Tech Industry

Disha Ajmani, a Senior Software Engineer at Anaplan, went from junior engineer to a senior software engineer within three years. Disha provides insight into her career journey, how she and the company are coping during COVID-19 crisis and what she’s personally doing to encourage more diversity in the tech industry.  

The Road to Software Engineering

Disha’s passion for coding began thanks to her older sister. Her sister often gave Disha  her coding books and helped Disha with coding projects and, over time, a friendly sibling rivalry began.

When Disha headed off to college, she originally wanted to study something related to science or economics but computer science eventually won her over. Not only did she pursue it in undergrad, Disha went on to get her Master’s degree in Computer Science at the University of Southern California. It was in grad school that Disha discovered Anaplan, or rather, Anaplan discovered Disha. Disha knew she wanted to work for Anaplan after researching the company and talking with the team members during the interview. She was impressed and intrigued by the projects they were working on at the time.  Once Anaplan offered her a job, she was more than ready to accept.  

When I shared my ideas with my teammates, they would encourage me by saying my ideas were insightful. This gave me the confidence to keep speaking up.
— on growing into a leadership role

Advancing to Senior Software Engineer

In less than three years, Disha went from junior engineer to a senior software engineer. She describes her career growth as organic. For other software engineers trying to advance, she advises them to be more accountable by taking ownership of larger projects. Other tips? Read a lot of code to get better at debugging and optimizing, and take part in code reviews to learn from other engineers.

It is also important that a person not be afraid and should freely express their thoughts and ideas. “What is the worst that can happen? They will just say no”.

While she says this confidently now, it took her some time to truly believe this advice herself. She was initially nervous to share her thoughts and ideas, but eventually, with the encouragement of her teammates, she started to share more. 

“When I shared my ideas with my teammates, they would encourage me by saying my ideas were insightful. This gave me the confidence to keep speaking up.” 

Along with sharing ideas, Disha also strongly encourages collaboration, especially with people outside your team.

“When you collaborate with others, you get more feedback which helps you improve your technical skills,” Disha explains.

Disha stresses that being able to take constructive criticism and feedback are important aspects of growing in the software engineering field. Disha adds, “it is also critical to drive a project from start to finish.”  

How Anaplan is Handling COVID-19 

With the COVID-19 crisis, Anaplan has amplified its support for employees. The company has hosted virtual information sessions with leaders across various industries to make sure employees have access to the most up-to-date information. The company also sends frequent updates to keep employees apprised of what is happening with the company in general. There are also fun virtual check-ins like happy hours, coffee breaks, and celebration of employee achievements, both professional and personal. Employees are also given resources for wellness and mental health. Along with supporting employees, Anaplan is dedicated to helping their customers and the broader community get through this time. 

Even with the robust support, however, Disha acknowledges that the stress is still palpable. 

“I can hear, and see, the stress in my teammates' voices and faces. I try to check in with everyone more during this time.”

What has been helpful in adapting to the new norm with COVD-19? Finding time to take mental breaks.

“It is a struggle to find a balance since work and life are now taking place in the same location. I try to prioritize self-care by taking breaks throughout the day. I try to go outside - even if it is just to my balcony for a few minutes.”

The Road to Diversity

Although she has had a welcoming experience at Anaplan, Disha acknowledges the challenges around diversity in the broader tech community. 

“The gap starts at early stages, we see less women in STEM fields starting from school. As students get older, and grow in the education system, the gender divide continues to grow and get more profound. I remember in my college classes there would only be 11-13 out of 50 students who were women”. 

In order to do her part, Disha is starting at home and mentoring her 10-year old niece by working with her to build her own game.

 In her professional life, she is working with other teams to further encourage diversity in all industries. At work, Disha is a member of Anaplan’s Women’s Interest Network. The group hosts various events with speakers that share their careers in the tech industry. One of the more recent events was with the CFO of Verizon  who shared her journey. 

“It is inspiring to listen to other’s paths and how they got to where they are,” explains Disha. 

What inspires her to stay in the tech sector?

“There is always something new happening in the software industry, it never gets unexciting. It is motivating to see how much value our work adds to our customers.”

Disha will be sharing more about her experience at ModelExpand’s upcoming #WomeninTech Leadership Breakfast: Leading During Covid-19. The ModelExpand #WomeninTech Leadership Breakfast Series provides a space for women to connect, inspire and uplift one another. Check out our upcoming events here or learn more about our sponsorship opportunities.

ModelExpand: ModelExpand is a diversity recruiting strategy firm that supports teams through strategic consulting, workshops, and events.

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